Benchmark VPS Hostiko 1 Core AMD 2GB RAM – DE – 173 UAH (2023)

Spesifikasi singkat VPS yang akan dibenchmark;

Provider      : Hostiko (
Type/Plan     : DE-1 AMD
Processor     : AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D
Num of Core(s): 1 Core
Memory        : 2 GB
Storage       : 30 GB NVMe
Bandwidth     : Unlimited @ 200 Mbps
Location      : Germany (Falkenstein)
Price         : 173 UAH (Ukrainian hryvnia)

Spesifikasi VPS via lscpu

Architecture:                    x86_64
CPU op-mode(s):                  32-bit, 64-bit
Byte Order:                      Little Endian
Address sizes:                   48 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
CPU(s):                          1
On-line CPU(s) list:             0
Thread(s) per core:              1
Core(s) per socket:              1
Socket(s):                       1
NUMA node(s):                    1
Vendor ID:                       AuthenticAMD
CPU family:                      25
Model:                           97
Model name:                      AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D 16-Core Processor
Stepping:                        2
CPU MHz:                         4192.104
BogoMIPS:                        8384.20
Virtualization:                  AMD-V
Hypervisor vendor:               KVM
Virtualization type:             full
L1d cache:                       64 KiB
L1i cache:                       64 KiB
L2 cache:                        512 KiB
L3 cache:                        16 MiB

Memory default via free -h --total

              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:          1.9Gi        75Mi       1.6Gi       2.0Mi       220Mi       1.7Gi
Swap:         228Mi          0B       228Mi
Total:        2.2Gi        75Mi       1.9Gi

Storage default via df -hT --total

Filesystem     Type      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev           devtmpfs  962M     0  962M   0% /dev
tmpfs          tmpfs     199M  612K  198M   1% /run
/dev/vda2      ext4       30G  3.6G   25G  13% /
tmpfs          tmpfs     992M     0  992M   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs          tmpfs     5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
tmpfs          tmpfs     992M     0  992M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs          tmpfs     199M     0  199M   0% /run/user/0
total          -          33G  3.6G   28G  12% -

Default SWAP or partition via swapon --show

/swapfile file 228.5M   0B   -2

Untuk yang pertama kali nimbrung disini, mungkin ada baiknya untuk baca 2 artikel ini terlebih dahulu;

Metodologi Benchmark ala
Syarat dan Kriteria Server (VPS) yang Akan KangServer Benchmark

Benchmark Summary

Geekbench 5


Single Core Score


Multi Core Score

Higher is better – v5.5.1

Geekbench 6


Single Core Score


Multi Core Score

Higher is better – v6.0.2



Single Copy SBIS

Multi Copy SBIS

Higher is better – v5.1.3



CPU Single Threaded


CPU Mark

Higher is better – v10.2

Storage I/O Speed


Average I/O Speed (MB/s)

Higher is better

Flexible IO Tester (FIO)


Total IOPS Combined (K)

Higher is better

WP Hosting Benchmark Tool


Average Score

Higher is better

Detailed Benchmark

– Geekbench 5
Software by Primate Labs Inc.

Geekbench 5 VPS Hostiko 1 Core AMD 2 GB RAM
Geekbench 5 VPS Hostiko 1 Core AMD 2 GB RAM

Link Geekbench 5: VPS Hostiko 1 Core AMD 2GB RAM

– Geekbench 6
Software by Primate Labs Inc.

Geekbench 6 VPS Hostiko 1 Core AMD 2 GB RAM
Geekbench 6 VPS Hostiko 1 Core AMD 2 GB RAM

Link Geekbench 6: VPS Hostiko 1 Core AMD 2GB RAM

– UnixBench
Script Github by Kelly Lucas

Benchmark Run: Fri Apr 14 2023 05:12:37 - 05:57:27
1 CPU in system; running 1 parallel copy of tests

Dhrystone 2 using register variables       75143886.2 lps   (10.0 s, 10 samples)
Double-Precision Whetstone                    12535.4 MWIPS (9.9 s, 10 samples)
Execl Throughput                              10339.6 lps   (30.0 s, 4 samples)
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks       2434373.5 KBps  (30.0 s, 4 samples)
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks          653319.3 KBps  (30.0 s, 4 samples)
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks       7433651.1 KBps  (30.0 s, 4 samples)
Pipe Throughput                             3840380.9 lps   (10.0 s, 10 samples)
Pipe-based Context Switching                 346655.4 lps   (10.0 s, 10 samples)
Process Creation                              35721.8 lps   (30.0 s, 4 samples)
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent)                  22038.8 lpm   (60.0 s, 4 samples)
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent)                   2861.0 lpm   (60.0 s, 4 samples)
System Call Overhead                        5282836.3 lps   (10.0 s, 10 samples)

System Benchmarks Index Values               BASELINE       RESULT    INDEX
Dhrystone 2 using register variables         116700.0   75143886.2   6439.1
Double-Precision Whetstone                       55.0      12535.4   2279.2
Execl Throughput                                 43.0      10339.6   2404.6
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks          3960.0    2434373.5   6147.4
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks            1655.0     653319.3   3947.5
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks          5800.0    7433651.1  12816.6
Pipe Throughput                               12440.0    3840380.9   3087.1
Pipe-based Context Switching                   4000.0     346655.4    866.6
Process Creation                                126.0      35721.8   2835.1
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent)                     42.4      22038.8   5197.8
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent)                      6.0       2861.0   4768.3
System Call Overhead                          15000.0    5282836.3   3521.9
System Benchmarks Index Score                                        3730.6

– PerformanceTest
Software by PassMark Software Pty Ltd

                          PassMark PerformanceTest Linux

AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D 16-Core Processor (x86_64)
1 cores @ 4192 MHz  |  1.9 GiB RAM
Number of Processes: 1  |  Test Iterations: 3  |  Test Duration: Medium
CPU Mark:                          3719
  Integer Math                     8205 Million Operations/s
  Floating Point Math              7574 Million Operations/s
  Prime Numbers                    30.1 Million Primes/s
  Sorting                          4712 Thousand Strings/s
  Encryption                       1792 MB/s
  Compression                      35322 KB/s
  CPU Single Threaded              3822 Million Operations/s
  Physics                          485 Frames/s
  Extended Instructions (SSE)      3142 Million Matrices/s

Memory Mark:                       1690
  Database Operations              1231 Thousand Operations/s
  Memory Read Cached               38515 MB/s
  Memory Read Uncached             32301 MB/s
  Memory Write                     19473 MB/s
  Available RAM                    1478 Megabytes
  Memory Latency                   65 Nanoseconds
  Memory Threaded                  31111 MB/s

Script Github by Teddysun

-------------------- A Script By Teddysun -------------------
 Version            : v2022-06-01
 Usage              : wget -qO- | bash
 CPU Model          : AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D 16-Core Processor
 CPU Cores          : 1 @ 4192.104 MHz
 CPU Cache          : 512 KB
 AES-NI             : Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : Enabled
 Total Disk         : 29.4 GB (3.6 GB Used)
 Total Mem          : 1.9 GB (77.0 MB Used)
 Total Swap         : 228.4 MB (2.5 MB Used)
 System uptime      : 0 days, 0 hour 27 min
 Load average       : 0.36, 0.74, 0.64
 OS                 : Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
 Arch               : x86_64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 5.4.0-146-generic
 TCP CC             : bbr
 Virtualization     : KVM
 Organization       : AS199785 Cloud Hosting Solutions, Limited.
 Location           : Frankfurt am Main / DE
 Region             : Hesse
 I/O Speed(1st run) : 1.5 GB/s
 I/O Speed(2nd run) : 1.7 GB/s
 I/O Speed(3rd run) : 1.8 GB/s
 I/O Speed(average) : 1706.7 MB/s
 Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency    203.28 Mbps       195.04 Mbps         5.43 ms
 Los Angeles, US  212.78 Mbps       198.26 Mbps         151.69 ms
 Dallas, US       214.14 Mbps       196.41 Mbps         124.06 ms
 Montreal, CA     209.88 Mbps       190.34 Mbps         97.90 ms
 Paris, FR        203.87 Mbps       192.59 Mbps         24.32 ms
 Amsterdam, NL    203.11 Mbps       193.57 Mbps         10.97 ms
 Shanghai, CN     210.56 Mbps       198.80 Mbps         172.01 ms
 Nanjing, CN      165.90 Mbps       190.75 Mbps         281.98 ms
 Hongkong, CN     234.30 Mbps       211.02 Mbps         218.10 ms
 Singapore, SG    216.67 Mbps       175.47 Mbps         171.56 ms
 Tokyo, JP        216.95 Mbps       205.16 Mbps         229.14 ms
 Finished in        : 5 min 17 sec
 Timestamp          : 2023-04-11 13:12:40 CEST

– Yet Another Bench Script (YABS)
Script Github by Mason Rowe

# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
#              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
#                     v2023-03-24                    #
# #
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #

Fri 14 Apr 2023 05:04:17 AM CEST

Basic System Information:
Uptime     : 0 days, 0 hours, 29 minutes
Processor  : AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D 16-Core Processor
CPU cores  : 1 @ 4192.104 MHz
AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled
RAM        : 1.9 GiB
Swap       : 228.4 MiB
Disk       : 29.4 GiB
Distro     : Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
Kernel     : 5.4.0-146-generic
VM Type    : KVM
Net Online : IPv4 & IPv6

IPv6 Network Information:
ISP        : HOST
ASN        : AS203394 MDCLOUD LTD
Location   : Frankfurt am Main, Hesse (HE)
Country    : Germany

fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ----
Read       | 505.76 MB/s (126.4k) | 4.19 GB/s    (65.4k)
Write      | 507.10 MB/s (126.7k) | 4.21 GB/s    (65.8k)
Total      | 1.01 GB/s   (253.2k) | 8.40 GB/s   (131.3k)
           |                      |
Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ----
Read       | 3.84 GB/s     (7.5k) | 3.78 GB/s     (3.6k)
Write      | 4.04 GB/s     (7.8k) | 4.03 GB/s     (3.9k)
Total      | 7.88 GB/s    (15.3k) | 7.82 GB/s     (7.6k)

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 220 Mbits/sec   | 195 Mbits/sec   | 16.3 ms
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | 220 Mbits/sec   | 191 Mbits/sec   | 16.2 ms
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 221 Mbits/sec   | busy            | 20.0 ms
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 210 Mbits/sec   | 132 Mbits/sec   | 101 ms
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 209 Mbits/sec   | 111 Mbits/sec   | 85.8 ms
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 204 Mbits/sec   | 124 Mbits/sec   | 121 ms
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 205 Mbits/sec   | 147 Mbits/sec   | 141 ms

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 219 Mbits/sec   | 192 Mbits/sec   | 16.4 ms
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | busy            | busy            | 27.4 ms
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 219 Mbits/sec   | 192 Mbits/sec   | 18.9 ms
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 207 Mbits/sec   | 185 Mbits/sec   | 100 ms
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 208 Mbits/sec   | 138 Mbits/sec   | 85.8 ms
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 205 Mbits/sec   | 182 Mbits/sec   | 121 ms
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 206 Mbits/sec   | 175 Mbits/sec   | 141 ms

YABS completed in 5 min 52 sec

– Speedtest CLI
Software by

Speedtest VPS Hostiko 1 Core AMD 2GB RAM
Speedtest VPS Hostiko 1 Core AMD 2GB RAM
   Speedtest by Ookla

      Server: Netprotect - Frankfurt (id: 37567)
         ISP: Mdcloud Ltd
Idle Latency:     5.03 ms   (jitter: 0.03ms, low: 5.02ms, high: 5.06ms)
    Download:   194.91 Mbps (data used: 92.9 MB)
                  5.83 ms   (jitter: 0.45ms, low: 5.24ms, high: 7.34ms)
      Upload:   203.69 Mbps (data used: 330.3 MB)
                  5.40 ms   (jitter: 0.36ms, low: 5.03ms, high: 7.62ms)
 Packet Loss: Not available.
  Result URL:

– Massive
Script by

---------------------------- ----------------------------
      A simple script to test network performance using speedtest-cli
 Version            : v2023.04.09
 Basic System Info
 CPU Model          : AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor
 CPU Cores          : 1 @ 3393.618 MHz
 CPU Cache          : 512 KB
 AES-NI             : ✔ Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : ✔ Enabled
 Total Disk         : 29.4 GB (3.7 GB Used)
 Total RAM          : 1.9 GB (82.9 MB Used)
 Total Swap         : 228.4 MB (1.0 MB Used)
 System uptime      : 0 days, 1 hour 47 min
 Load average       : 0.00, 0.46, 1.54
 OS                 : Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
 Arch               : x86_64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 5.4.0-146-generic
 Virtualization     : KVM
 Basic Network Info
 Primary Network    : IPv6
 ISP                : HOST
 ASN                : AS203394 MDCLOUD LTD
 Location           : Frankfurt am Main, Hesse-HE, Germany
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Region: GLOBAL)
 Location         Latency     Loss    DL Speed       UP Speed       Server

 ISP: Mdcloud Ltd

 Nearest          5.01 ms     0.0%    195.47 Mbps    203.16 Mbps    31173 Services AB - Frankfurt

 Kochi, IN        161.74 ms   0.0%    186.88 Mbps    219.00 Mbps    Asianet Broadband - Cochin
 Bangalore, IN    134.62 ms   0.0%    199.30 Mbps    213.06 Mbps    Bharti Airtel Ltd - Bangalore
 Chennai, IN      248.77 ms   N/A     192.87 Mbps    220.75 Mbps    Jio - Chennai
 Mumbai, IN       171.58 ms   0.0%    198.54 Mbps    212.97 Mbps - Mumbai
 Delhi, IN        238.05 ms   0.0%    192.60 Mbps    217.26 Mbps    Tata Play Fiber - New Delhi

 Los Angeles, US  153.92 ms   0.0%    200.16 Mbps    210.46 Mbps    ReliableSite Hosting - Los Angeles, CA
 Dallas, US       121.95 ms   0.0%    191.54 Mbps    212.33 Mbps    Hivelocity - Dallas, TX
 New York, US     87.75 ms    0.0%    192.71 Mbps    206.93 Mbps    Clouvider Ltd - New York, NY
 Seattle, US      156.82 ms   N/A     198.91 Mbps    208.46 Mbps    Comcast - Seattle, WA
 Miami, US        116.84 ms   0.4%    192.51 Mbps    207.61 Mbps    AT&T - Miami, FL
 Toronto, CA      98.40 ms    0.0%    195.72 Mbps    205.58 Mbps    Rogers - Toronto, ON

 Paris, FR        24.03 ms    0.0%    192.52 Mbps    203.45 Mbps    ORANGE FRANCE - Paris
 Amsterdam, NL    11.20 ms    0.0%    192.50 Mbps    202.81 Mbps    Clouvider Ltd - Amsterdam
 Warsaw, PL       31.37 ms    0.0%    193.50 Mbps    204.24 Mbps    UPC Polska - Warszawa
 London, UK       18.91 ms    0.0%    192.79 Mbps    203.48 Mbps    VeloxServ Communications - London
 Frankfurt, DE    5.60 ms     0.0%    192.41 Mbps    202.47 Mbps    23M GmbH - Frankfurt Am Main

 Dubai, AE        186.59 ms   0.0%    204.28 Mbps    227.42 Mbps    du - Dubai
 Fujairah, AE     118.74 ms   0.0%    205.15 Mbps    212.05 Mbps    ETISALAT-UAE - Fujairah
 Jeddah, KSA      93.68 ms    0.0%    200.61 Mbps    205.13 Mbps    Saudi Telecom Company

 Shanghai, CU-CN  202.20 ms   0.0%    199.02 Mbps    213.68 Mbps    China Unicom 5G - ShangHai
 Nanjing, CT-CN   263.70 ms   0.0%    173.13 Mbps    208.30 Mbps    China Telecom JiangSu 5G - Nanjing
 Hong Kong, HKG   242.18 ms   N/A     187.71 Mbps    214.05 Mbps    STC - Hong Kong
 Singapore, SG    159.35 ms   0.0%    197.63 Mbps    203.48 Mbps - Singapore
 Jakarta, ID      169.21 ms   0.3%    201.72 Mbps    223.84 Mbps    PT Indosat Tbk - Jakarta
 Tokyo, JP        262.93 ms   N/A     204.50 Mbps    219.42 Mbps - Tokyo
 Avg DL Speed       : 195.18 Mbps
 Avg UL Speed       : 210.82 Mbps

 Total DL Data      : 6.84 GB
 Total UL Data      : 6.92 GB
 Total Data         : 13.76 GB
 Duration           : 11 min 49 sec
 System Time        : 11/04/2023 - 13:30:22 CEST
 Total Script Runs  : 871
 Result             :

– Benchy
Github Script by Pascal Hadiyanto

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
#             Benchy v2.6               #
#     #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
#        11 Apr 2023 13:30 CEST          #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

Server Insight                                  Hardware Information
---------------------                           ---------------------
OS         : Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS                 Model       : AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor
Location   : Germany                            Core        : 1 @ 3393.618 MHz
Kernel     : 5.4.0-146-generic                  AES-NI      : ✔ Enabled
Uptime     : 0 days, 1 hrs, 59 mins, 38 secs    VM-x/AMD-V  : ✔ Enabled
Virt       : kvm                                Swap        : 228.4 MiB

Disk & Memory Usage                             Network Information
---------------------                           ---------------------
Disk (1)   : 29.4 GiB                           ASN         : AS199785
Disk Usage : 3.7 GiB (13% Used)                 ISP         : Cloud Hosting Solutions, Limited.
Mem        : 1.9 GiB                            IPv4        : ✔ Enabled
Mem Usage  : 0.1 GiB (4% Used)                  IPv6        : ✔ Enabled

Ookla Network Speedtest (Region: Europe)
| Provider    | Location          | Download     | Upload       | Data Used | Latency   |
| TestDebit   | Marseille, FR     |  194.9 Mb/s  |  204.6 Mb/s  |    0.5 GB |   24.1 ms |
| Vancis      | Amsterdam, NL     |  193.8 Mb/s  |  202.5 Mb/s  |    0.6 GB |   15.2 ms |
| CoreIX      | London, GB        |  186.6 Mb/s  |  203.6 Mb/s  |    0.4 GB |   17.4 ms |
| Skynet      | Warsaw, PL        |  192.5 Mb/s  |  206.3 Mb/s  |    0.5 GB |   29.7 ms |
| Vodafone    | Milan, IT         |  196.8 Mb/s  |  207.7 Mb/s  |    0.6 GB |   16.8 ms |

Network Performance Test (Region: Europe)
| Prot. | Provider    | Location        | Send         | Receive      | Latency   |
| IPv4  | FiberBy     | Copenhagen, DK  |  241.4 Mb/s  |  192.2 Mb/s  |   24.8 ms |
|       | WOBCOM      | Wolfsburg, DE   |  237.1 Mb/s  |  198.8 Mb/s  |   19.4 ms |
|       | Novogara    | Amsterdam, NL   |  236.6 Mb/s  |  196.3 Mb/s  |   16.0 ms |
|       | Sasag       | Schaff, CH      |  239.3 Mb/s  |  198.3 Mb/s  |   21.0 ms |
|       | Alwyzon     | Vienna, AT      |  238.6 Mb/s  |  196.4 Mb/s  |   28.6 ms |
| IPv6  | FiberBy     | Copenhagen, DK  |  240.3 Mb/s  |  194.4 Mb/s  |   24.8 ms |
|       | WOBCOM      | Wolfsburg, DE   |  240.5 Mb/s  |  197.0 Mb/s  |   19.4 ms |
|       | Novogara    | Amsterdam, NL   |  239.8 Mb/s  |  196.9 Mb/s  |   16.2 ms |
|       | Sasag       | Schaff, CH      |  239.5 Mb/s  |  196.1 Mb/s  |   20.3 ms |
|       | Alwyzon     | Vienna, AT      |  240.3 Mb/s  |  193.9 Mb/s  |   28.8 ms |

– OTT Platforms Restriction Checker
Github Script by lmc999

 ** Checking Results Under IPv4
 ** Your Network Provider: Hostiko (87.251.*.*)

============[ Multination ]============
 Dazn:					No
 HotStar:				No
 Disney+:				Yes (Region: DE)
 Netflix:				Yes (Region: DE)
 YouTube Premium:			No
 Amazon Prime Video:			Yes (Region: DE)
 TVBAnywhere+:				Yes
 iQyi Oversea Region:			DE				No
 YouTube CDN:				Amsterdam
 Netflix Preferred CDN:		Associated with [RETN] in [Warsaw]
 Spotify Registration:			No
 Steam Currency:			EUR
===============[ Europe ]==============
 Rakuten TV:				Yes
 Funimation:				No
 SkyShowTime:				No
 HBO Max:				No
 Maths Spot:				Failed
 Sky Go:				Yes
 BritBox:				Yes
 ITV Hub:				No
 Channel 4:				No
 Channel 5:				No
 Discovery+ UK:				No
 Salto:					No
 Canal+:				No
 Molotov:				No
 Joyn:					Yes
 Sky:					Yes
 ZDF: 					Yes
 NLZIET:				Failed
 videoland:				Failed (Network Connection)
 NPO Start Plus:			No
 PANTAYA:				Failed (Network Connection)
 Rai Play:				Yes
 Amediateka:				Yes
===========[ North America ]===========
 FOX:					No
 Hulu:					Failed
 NFL+:					No
 ESPN+:[Sponsored by Jam]		No
 Epix:					No
 Starz:					No
 Philo:					No
 FXNOW:					No
 TLC GO:				No
 HBO Max:				No
 Shudder:				Yes
 BritBox:				Failed (Network Connection)
 Crackle:				No
 CW TV:					No
 A&E TV:				No
 NBA TV:				Yes
 NBC TV:				No
 Fubo TV:				Yes
 Tubi TV:				No
 Sling TV:				Yes
 Pluto TV:				Yes
 Acorn TV:				Yes
 encoreTVB:				No
 Funimation:				No
 Discovery+:				No
 Paramount+:				Yes
 Peacock TV:				No
 Popcornflix:				No
 Crunchyroll:				No
 Directv Stream:			No
 KBS American:				No
 KOCOWA:				No
 Maths Spot:				Failed
 CBC Gem:				No
 Crave:					Yes
===============[ Sport ]===============
 Dazn:					No
 Star+:					No
 ESPN+:[Sponsored by Jam]		No
 NBA TV:				Yes
 Fubo TV:				Yes
 Mola TV:				No
 Setanta Sports:			No
 Optus Sports:				No
 Bein Sports Connect:			No
 Eurosport RO:				Yes

 ** Checking Results Under IPv6
 ** Your Network Provider: Hostiko (2a0c:b641:6f1:*:*)

============[ Multination ]============
 Dazn:					Failed (Network Connection)
 HotStar:				No
 Disney+:				Yes (Region: DE)
 Netflix:				Yes (Region: DE)
 YouTube Premium:			Yes (Region: GB)
 Amazon Prime Video:			Unsupported
 TVBAnywhere+:				Failed (Network Connection)
 iQyi Oversea Region:			Failed				Failed
 YouTube CDN:				Frankfurt
 Netflix Preferred CDN:		Associated with [RETN] in [Budapest]
 Spotify Registration:			No
 Steam Currency:			Failed (Network Connection)
===============[ Europe ]==============
 Rakuten TV:				Failed (Network Connection)
 Funimation:				IPv6 Not Support
 SkyShowTime:				No
 HBO Max:				Failed (Network Connection)
 Maths Spot:				IPv6 Not Support
 Sky Go:				Failed (Network Connection)
 BritBox:				Yes
 ITV Hub:				Failed (Network Connection)
 Channel 4:				Failed (Network Connection)
 Channel 5:				IPv6 Not Support
 BBC iPLAYER:				Failed
 Discovery+ UK:				IPv6 Not Support
 Salto:					No
 Canal+:				Failed (Network Connection)
 Molotov:				No
 Joyn:					Failed (Network Connection)
 Sky:					Failed (Network Connection)
 ZDF: 					Failed (Network Connection)
 NLZIET:				Failed
 videoland:				Failed (Network Connection)
 NPO Start Plus:			Failed (Network Connection)
 PANTAYA:				Failed (Network Connection)
 Rai Play:				Failed (Network Connection)
 Amediateka:				Failed (Network Connection)
===========[ North America ]===========
 FOX:					No
 Hulu:					Failed
 NFL+:					IPv6 Not Support
 ESPN+:[Sponsored by Jam]		No
 Epix:					Failed (Network Connection)
 Epix:					Failed
 Starz:					Failed (Network Connection)
 Philo:					IPv6 Not Support
 FXNOW:					IPv6 Not Support
 TLC GO:				IPv6 Not Support
 HBO Max:				Failed (Network Connection)
 Shudder:				Yes
 BritBox:				Yes
 Crackle:				No
 CW TV:					No
 A&E TV:				IPv6 Not Support
 NBA TV:				Yes
 NBC TV:				No
 Fubo TV:				IPv6 Not Support
 Tubi TV:				No
 Sling TV:				Yes
 Pluto TV:				Yes
 Acorn TV:				Failed (Network Connection)
 SHOWTIME:				Failed (Network Connection)
 encoreTVB:				Failed (Network Connection)
 Funimation:				IPv6 Not Support
 Discovery+:				IPv6 Not Support
 Paramount+:				Yes
 Peacock TV:				No
 Popcornflix:				IPv6 Not Support
 Crunchyroll:				IPv6 Not Support
 Directv Stream:			No
 KBS American:				IPv6 Not Support
 KOCOWA:				IPv6 Not Support
 Maths Spot:				IPv6 Not Support
 CBC Gem:				Failed (Network Connection)
 Crave:					Failed (Network Connection)
===============[ Sport ]===============
 Dazn:					Failed (Network Connection)
 Star+:					No
 ESPN+:[Sponsored by Jam]		No
 NBA TV:				Yes
 Fubo TV:				IPv6 Not Support
 Mola TV:				IPv6 Not Support
 Setanta Sports:			IPv6 Not Support
 Optus Sports:				No
 Bein Sports Connect:			IPv6 Not Support
 Eurosport RO:				IPv6 Not Support

– OpenAI-Checker
Github Script by Vincent Young

OpenAI Access Checker. Made by Vincent
Your IPv4: - Hostiko
Your IP supports access to OpenAI. Region: DE
Your IPv6: 2a0c:b641:6f1:3f::2 - Hostiko
Your IP supports access to OpenAI. Region: DE

– WP Hosting Benchmark Tool
WordPress Plugin by

WP Hosting Benchmark Tool VPS Hostiko 1 Core AMD 2 GB RAM
WP Hosting Benchmark Tool VPS Hostiko 1 Core AMD 2 GB RAM

– PING Website / IP


PingPE VPS Hostiko 1 Core AMD 2GB RAM
PingPE VPS Hostiko 1 Core AMD 2GB RAM


Check-Host VPS Hostiko 1 Core AMD 2GB RAM
Check-Host VPS Hostiko 1 Core AMD 2GB RAM

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